Vancouver Acting School | Vancouver Acting Classes
48 Hour Acting Bootcamp | Master Class & Demo Reel WorkshopBecome an Actor in Vancouver
48 Hour Acting Bootcamp
The ultimate Film and TV weekend intensive. For Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Actors. The 48 Hour Acting Bootcamp guides you through many phases of creating character and playing the role. You’re given a series of homework assignments, a challenging inspiring introduction to the weekend at the orientation then a marathon of evocative exercises in class on day one. Our immersive acting workshop is designed to help you create and deliver your most vivid and compelling performances. Choose a role the best suits your type and acting development. You'll get 15 Hours of comprehensive coaching. Interact with your coach in advance of bootcamp. Your work is professionally captured in studio at the height of your performance, providing a strong new addition to your demo reel. Or a stand alone showcase of your work.

Level ILevel I is for actors new to Milne Studio and early in their acting journey who are seeking a weekend immersion to get thoroughly introduced to our training along with getting a strong monologue demo reel of your work. You'll be challenged to stay focused, take risks, explore your own emotional depths, and have great fun connecting with yourself and the other actors.
Level IILevel II is for actors that have either: attended our Level I bootcamp, or our Level I & II classes, or have an existing demo reel that showcases your strongest work. This bootcamp immerses you into compelling high stakes scene work, we pick up where we left off in Level I and drive your character and role creation to new heights.
TakeawaysThis unique acting master class and demo reel scene study workshop will strengthen your character preparation, boost auditioning skills, and elevate your film and television acting overall. Your monologue for level I or scene for level II is then worked on throughout the 48 Hour Acting Bootcamp workshop and coached, directed, and produced for your acting demo reel.
Training Day
Saturday – 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
A comprehensive and in-depth investigation into Milne’s technique, PERGE; helping you effectively breakdown scripts, giving you stronger role prep and improved audition skills. We'll apply precise interpretive steps adding dimension to your roles.
You’ll engage in breathing, energy, voice, movement, interpersonal connection, improvisation, storytelling, monologues, scene study and performance exercises. By the end of the day you’ll be immersed in character and ready to play the role, with residue of the day’s work present until the next morning. Applying best practices greatly improves both acting and performance ability.
Shooting Day
Sunday – 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
The Set – The day starts with a brief warm up (foundation and interpretation exercises) and discussion about pacing through a shoot day. Learning to connect and reconnect with your role is essential. In character and ready to play the role you’ll move into our on-camera environment. While directors love it when actors hit it on the first take, we’re often called upon to repeat a scene or parts of a scene several times for coverage. Actors have to be ready.
The Performance – Time to step into the ring. Like any sport or engagement, proper preparation is critical to your success. The same applies in acting: we must precisely prepare for the part, make the focus of the work the back, front, top, bottom and all the sides of the role, then trust that we can let the prep go and live in the present, breathing quietly in our bodies on screen. Your performance will be professionally shot then mastered and delivered to you via Vimeo.
Bootcamp Instructor

Brad Milne
Head Coach & FounderLed by Brad Milne, whom helped cultivate and launch the careers of more than 100 actors through the 1300+ acting classes he has given to 1200+ actors in just the past 7 years. Milne Studio's. Brad Milne is the founder and lead instructor at Milne Studio and the Toronto Acting School. His keen eye for spotting and cultivating talent comes from his 300+ career projects as an actor and creator, and having coached over 2000 actors in over 2000 of his various school and studio classes. Actor, entrepreneur, producer, director and coach with 275+ Acting assignments in the past 30 years coupled with 20 successful years experience as an acting coach. Overseeing the day to day operations at Milne Studio and Toronto Acting School, he has worked from concept to completion on feature films, TV-Pilots, commercial campaigns, corporate video libraries and more. His coaching of others started in sports as a teen when he guided freestyle skiers to championship levels through his training camps. Less than a decade later and after acquiring his own title of Canadian National Amateur Champion in his freestyle skiing discipline he applied his coaching skills to business where he helped foster success for individuals and companies of all sizes through sales, business development and strategic consulting. From these combined experiences Brad brings a holistic understanding of the artistic and entrepreneurial aspects of the acting career and it’s intricate craft.